Kept watching...
Saw it once... it was funny
Saw it twice... it was still funny
Saw it thrice... fuck yeah
Kept watching...
Saw it once... it was funny
Saw it twice... it was still funny
Saw it thrice... fuck yeah
Can't... Stop... WATCHING...
/facepalm cry
Pokemon... made my childhood amazing...
Value of Entertainment 1st go around... actually pretty high despite its poor quality (just because it's a story and grasps my attention)
but when i signed in to write the review I couldn't bear to watch it again cause its almost like one of those movie you watch once then never touch again. I even paused it but the music kept playing so I was all -____-
anyways... 1 Star for making the animation (just cause trying in this world deserves a cookie)
and 2 Stars for the story... I just enjoy stories and since this actually happened to a lot of people I threw in a 2nd star.
This is about a nice of a review I can give without being rash, harsh, or being a down right douche.
thats okay
Lindsey Stirling
For those wondering who plays the violin, its Lindsey Stirling on channel LindseyStomp of youtube... pure genius in 2 spots
Child hood complete montage complete... thanks for that!
1. I DID get an original Gameboy (Gray)
2. I got an RC car in the same year
3. I had a very active imagination
4. I had a "Hero" per-say that was like Superman (but in this case a bad@ss Astronaut)
only thing about this that isn't me... the boy, lol, I'm of Germanic and Frankish decent and I have the note-able blue eyes and blonde hair.
My God what a flashback
Merry Christmas and thank you for this video!
no seriously is this the only Thanksgiving video?... i enjoyed it but i wantz moar
I'm a very religious person and found this to be HYSTERICAL. While at the same time kinda misleading but hey... its a cartoon not a debate over what is the most proper for us. Very well made and loved the ending!
at least he tried unlike 80% of ppl... XD
narcistic douche...
1 star only cause i enjoy the song... seriously though what did this guy do to you? chances are you at least own 1 of his many items and its probably either in your hand, in your pocket, or on your desk. So really making this is just a low blow to someone who actually managed to accomplish something with his life. I'm sorry your life has yet to amount to this...
the 3 apples that changed the world
Eve's, Newtons, Steve's
Joined on 1/16/10